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学术预告:陈世杰教授谈“RNA Folding: From Physics to Medicine”

来源 : 理学院     作者 : 理学院     时间 : 2017-12-05  访问量 : 208




CRISPR-Cas9 is a gene editing tool that has resulted in revolutionary changes in life science research. However, the physical basis for its target specificity is not fully understood. A recently developed statistical mechanics theory for the CRISPR system reveals a strong correlation between the gene editing efficiency and the thermodynamic properties of the DNA-Ribonucleic Acid (RNA) interacting system. The new physical insights also leads to improved off-target predictions and more accurate guide RNA design for genome engineering applications. Furthermore, because an RNA molecule is a highly charged polyanion, metal ions in the solution are critical for RNA folding. By accounting for ion fluctuation and correlation effects, a recently developed new theory enables quantitative modeling for metal ion effect in RNA folding, conformational switch, and RNA-protein interactions. Applications of the theory have led to significant insights into metal ion electrostatic force-mediated RNA folding and function.


陈世杰(Shi-Jie Chen),美国密苏里大学物理与天文系、生物化学系、信息学研究所教授;PLoS-Computational Biology杂志Associate Editor;国际RNA纳米技术与纳米医学学会创始理事会成员。1987年获得浙江大学的理学学士学位,专业为理论物理,并通过李政道先生倡导的CUSPEA项目到美国学习;1994年获得University of California-San Diego的物理学博士学位,方向为理论等离子体物理;1994-1999年,University of California-San Francisco,博士后,方向为理论与计算生物物理;1999年,University of Missouri-Columbia,助理教授;2004年,晋升为副教授;2007年,晋升为教授;2012年,当选为美国物理学会(APS)Fellow。陈教授是美国国家卫生研究院NIH和美国国家基金委NSF多个重要项目的主持人,先后在PNAS, JACS, Annual Review of Biophysics, Nucleic Acids Research等杂志上发表近90篇文章。


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