Panagiotis Kotetes,男,希腊人。2005年7月本科毕业于雅典国立技术大学的应用数学与物理系;于2011年5月雅典国立技术大学获得博士学位,导师:G.Varelogiannis教授。自2011年5月到现在一直在德国卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院做博士后研究,期间担任助教以及硕士生导师工作。目前是国际核心刊物Physical Review journals and New Journal of Physics的审稿人。
In this talk I will review recent work related to topological systems engineered by magnetic adatom chains.It has been recently realized in hybrid devices consisting of ferromagnetic Fechains on Pb-substrate with strong Rashba spin-orbit coupling (SOC) [1]. Remarkably, spatially resolved Majorana fermion (MF) fingerprints have been observed.
I provide an analysis of the accessible topological phases of ferromagnetic (FM) and antiferromagnetic (AFM) adatom chains by constructing a low energy model relying on Shiba states [2]. The resulting Shiba bands exhibit remarkable topological features supporting phases with one or two MFs per edge. Moreover, depending on the magnetic ordering, the resulting phase diagram and the MF wavefunctions demonstrate a diversity of distinctive features which are in principle detectable using spin-resolved scanning tunneling microscopy [3].
Notably, AFM chains can also support MFs even without SOC as long as a weak Zeeman field and a supercurrent are applied [4]. The present work aims at motivating new experiments with atomic chains while it can open new perspectives for universal quantum computing
using MFs.
[1] S. Nadj-Perge et al., Science 346, 602 (2014).
[2] A. Heimes, D. Mendler, and P. Kotetes, New J. Phys. 17, 023051 (2015) .
[3] P. Kotetes, D. Mendler, A. Heimes, and G. Schön, arXiv:1507.01803 (to appear in Physica E).
[4] A. Heimes, P. Kotetes, and G. Schön, PRB 90, 060507(R) (2014).
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