Recently several mathematical physicists studied complex Hermite polynomials from mathematical and physical points of view. Using the basic tools in contemporary enumerative combinatorics, i.e., the correspondence between algebraic operations about formal power series (generating function) and the corresponding operations at the level of combinatorial objects (sum, product, substitution), we give a combinatorial proof of a multlinear generating function for complex Hermite polynomials. As special cases we obtain the Mehler type bilinear generating function for complex Hermite polynomials.
曾江教授,1979年毕业于杭州师范大学,现为法国里昂大学教授,研究领域包括:代数与组合计数、q-级数及数论等,在本学科著名期刊( Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.、J. Combin. Theory Ser. A、 European J. Combin.、 J. Number Theory、 Ramanujan J.)上发表100余篇学术论文。
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