In this talk, we propose a domain decomposition spectral method for exterior problems with polygonal obstacles. We divide the unbounded domains into several convex quadrilaterals, unbounded quarters and infinite stripes. Then, we use the Legendre, Laguerre and the mixed Laguerre-Legendre approximations respectively. We design proper specific basis functions, induced by the Legendre polynomials and the scaled Laguerre functions, so that the numerical solutions keep certain continuities on all interfaces of adjacent subdomains. We introduce a composite quasi-orthogonal projection, with which we derive the global spectral accuracy of numerical solutions.
郭本瑜, 上海师范大学教授,英国Salford大学名誉科学博士,上海高校计算科学E—研究院首席研究员。郭本瑜教授长期研究科学计算的方法、理论及其应用,在非线性偏微分方程的数值方法、理论及其在流体力学、天气预报、孤波与生态学等许多方面的应用中作出了系统的、创造性的贡献。郭本瑜教授在SIAM J.Numer. Anal., Math.Comp. 和Numer.Math.等中、外著名学术杂志上发表了近300篇论文,出版专著《偏微分方程差分方法》和《Spectral Methods and Their Applications 》等3部,合著《Soliton》等4部学术专著。曾获国家教委科技进步二等奖(1986),国家教委科技进步甲类一等奖(1990),国家自然科学三等奖(1995年)和国家级优秀教学成果二等奖(1993)等。 郭本瑜教授曾任上海科技大学校长、上海大学常务副校长和中国计算数学会副理事长等职。现担任《Adv. in Comp. Math. 》等8个国际学术杂志编委。